Safe Schools

Adelaide-W.G. MacDonald P.S.

2024-2025 Safe and Inclusive School Planlearning triangle

Our school is committed to providing all students with a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment free from bullying and harassment that promotes respect, acceptance, and empathy.

Staff, students, parents and caregivers, and community partners will work together as a team to help make our school safe and welcoming for everyone.

The Safe and Inclusive School Plan highlights some of the key actions that our school community will put in place as part of our bullying prevention and intervention efforts.

Key Priorities and Goals

This year we are focusing on Emotional Regulation and Conflict Resolution

We are doing this to support our students learning to manage their emotions and to be able to deal with conflicts that arise with their peers.

Key Actions or Strategies

·      Work with community organizations to support our students and families with understanding emotions and dealing with conflict

·      Work with Safe Schools Implementation Coaches to support our staff and students with Emotional Regulation and building relationships within the classrooms and school

·      Establish a Calm Space in the school where students can get support to help regulate their emotions

Community and Home Connections

·      Ask your child about how they deal with feelings of frustration and/or anger

·      Try practicing mindfulness techniques at home with your child.

·       Check out this resource School Mental Health about ways to support your child’s mental health

